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KB01378 - How to factory reset the CLSO-601



Subject: How to factory reset the CLSO-601


The AT-UHD-CLSO-601 can be factory reset in a few different ways:

  1. Send the CLSO-601 a serial/IP command of “Mreset” followed by a carriage return. If the unit accepts the command, you will then see it report back “Setting to factory default” and reboot itself shortly after. The reset may take about 10-15 seconds to complete. You can use a serial program or telnet (if you have already established an IP connection to your CLSO-601). For information on how to use a serial program, please see this article. For information on how to enable and use telnet, see this article.
  2. Access the units web-interface and click the “Settings” tab. On this page, you will find a button which is labeled “Factory Default”, click that and then click “confirm” on the confirmation that comes up. This will factory reset the unit. For information on how to access the CLSO-601’s web interface, please see this article.

Please note, factory resetting the unit will clear all user-configured settings and will also revert the unit back to have DHCP turned on by default. If you used a static address before the reset, you may need to find the units new DHCP address, access its web-GUI and change the network settings. For information on how to find the IP information of the CLS0-601, please see this article.

Article ID: KB01378 


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