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Velocity - Control Panel - How to configure an iOS device (iPad, iPhone)

This article will cover how to set up your iOS device (iPad or iPhone) to control Velocity.



  • You will need to know your iOS device IP address.
    • If you do not know your IP address, it can typically be found in settings -> WIFI -> 'Your network connection.'
  • Ensure your device is set to static or has a reservation on the network so it does not change.
    • If your IP address changes on your iOS device, it will no longer control Velocity.
  • You should already have a room set up in Velocity.
    • Please check out the link below if you need assistance setting up a room first. 

Tip: You may need to do a quick google search to find the correct settings on your device.


Step One  - A  - Adding a control panel to your room


  1. Click the add technology button


Step One  - B  - Adding a control panel to your room


  1. Search iOS in the search bar and hit enter
  2. Click Add to the iOS control panel


Step Two  - A  - Configuring your iOS device in Velocity


  1. Click Edit Room Device (The pencil icon) on the iOS card that you just added to your room. 


Step Two  - B  - Configuring your iOS device in Velocity


  1. Enter the Alias of what you would like this control panel to be called. (optional)
  2. Enter the IP Address of your iOS device you would like to use for control.
  3. Make sure 'Sync to' is set to control, it is set this way by default as well.
  4. For Control Template you will want to select what plan on programming or have already programmed - 
    1. Template 1 - Default
    2. Custom UI 
  5. Click SAVE after you have double-checked the information above. 


Step Three  - A  - Configuring your iOS device with Safari


  1. In a web browser, enter the IP address of your Velocity gateway.
    1. You should be brought to the control screen we just set up. The example is shown in the picture.
  2. Touch the Share button


Step Three  - B  - Configuring your iOS device with Safari


  1. Scroll down the screen until you see 'Add to Home Screen'
  2. Touch 'Add to Home Screen'




  1. Your iOS bookmark will appear like an app and bring your users right to the control interface. 
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