- Power locally by using the Power supply that comes with the camera
- Powering the camera through recommended HDbaseT devices
This can also be found here: AT-HDVS-CAM-HDBT Related Products Tab
You cannot power an HDBaseT device from the camera.
- RS-232
- The camera can be controlled RS-232 by connecting to the RS-232 port on the camera, or over HDBaseT via RS-232 (Baud 9600)
- You can run a control system's RS-232 commands into the recommended devices to send RS-232 to the camera
- IP control
- Plug into the Ethernet port of the camera and set the IP address on the same domain as your control system to control the unit
- Remote Control
- The camera also comes with an IR remote in the box that you can use to control the camera
- If you are having issues getting an IP address assigned to your camera you can directly connect to it using the lan port to your PC and use this free software: KB01257-How-to-turn-your-computer-Windows-into-a-DHCP-server-to-give-your-Atlona-unit-an-IP-address
3. Third Party Controller
- First, you can find the API here AT-HDVS-CAM (HDMI, and HDBaseT) API
- Understanding the API:
- You will be using the Command Packets from the Visca Protocol list starting on page 4 of the PDF
- For the example above I have picked the Power On command
- X is your device ID which by default is "1" and you can always double-check by logging into the WebGUI of the camera. This can be found in the system settings.
- Understanding the API:
- To test your camera controls you can download Hercules here Hercules-Setup-Utility
- You will want to use TCP Client
- Use the IP address of your camera and port 1259 then click Connect. The program will then say connecting and connected if done correctly.
- I have entered the power on and off command separately with my device ID as "1". I have also clicked the hex checkmark box. After this, you can hit send to control your camera.
- You will want to use TCP Client
- When sending the Pan and Tilt commands you will have to set the speed of both.
- Title up command would be "8x 01 06 01 VV WW 03 01 FF"
- VV = Pan Speed "01"-"18" and WW would be tilt speed "01"-"14"
- Our suggestion is to use 07 for both pan and tilt
- for example, tilt-up would be on a device ID of 1 " 81 01 06 01 07 07 03 01 FF"
- Then you would also want to set a stop command on release so that the camera does not continue to go in the direction you gave it
- example "81 01 06 01 07 07 03 01 FF" (up command) wait one second "81 01 06 01 07 07 03 03 FF" (Stop command)