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KB01673 - How to setup display control on the AT-UHD-HDVS-300-KIT


Objective: Control a display via TCP/IP, RS-232 or CEC with the AT-UHD-HDVS-300-KIT


1. Login to the web GUI for the AT-UHD-HDVS-300-KIT and navigate to the "Setup" tab and configure.

Click this drop-down list and select the protocol used to send the power command. TCP/IP 1, TCP/IP 2, RS-232, or CEC

Click this drop-down list and select the protocol used to send volume and mute commands.

Retry Timeout
Enter the time interval before the command is resent if a failure should occur.

Remote IP address
Enter the remote IP address in this field.

Remote Port
Enter the remote listening port in this field.

UDP Local Port
Enter the local UDP listening port in this field.

Send with
Click this drop-down list to select either the TCP or UDP protocol, when sending commands.



2. For RS-232 control navigate to the control tab and match the baud rate for the display you are controlling.

RS-232 Control
Click this drop-down list to select Control

Baud rate Sets the baud rate. The following options are available: 9600, 19200, 38400, 56000,
57600, 115200.

Data bit Sets the number of data bits used to represent each character of data. The following
options are available: 8 or 9.

Parity Sets the parity bit, which can be included with each character to detect errors during
the transmission of data. The following options are available: None, Odd, or Even.

Stop bit Sets the stop bit. Stop bits are sent at the end of each character, allowing the client
to detect the end of a character stream. The following options are available: 1 or 2.



3. Navigate to the "Command" tab and configure.

Click this radio button to view all command fields in ASCII format.

Click this radio button to view all command fields in hexadecimal format.

Feedback Verify
Sets the feedback verification state. Click the toggle to enable or disable this feature.

Delay (Sec)
Click this drop-down list to set the time interval between commands, when multiple commands are specified on the
command line. Multiple commands must be separated by the comma delimiter.

Click this button to test each command, once it is entered in the text box.







  1. Verify that you have the proper baud rate set in both the HDVS-300 and on the display you are controlling.
  2. Verify that RS-232 control is enabled on the display you are controlling
  3. Reverse TX and RX pins if there is no communication.
  4. Use a USB to RS-232 adapter and connect your computer to the RS232 port of the HDVS-300. Use an RS232 program such as Hercules to monitor if commands are coming out of the HDVS-300. If you are getting command out from the HDVS-300 then it is likely that you are using the wrong commands or there are some parameters that are incorrect for your display
  5. Connect your PC into the RS232 port of the display and try to control it using the RS232 program. If you are unsuccessful in controlling your display you may need to consult the display manufacturer for the proper control codes and parameters.
  6. Notate what commands and parameters work and input these into the HDVS-300 and connect the HDVS-300 to the display and test.



  1. Verify that you have the correct IP address for the display you are controlling and that the HDVS-300-KIT and display are on the same subnet.
  2. Verify that you have the correct control port of the display you are controlling (refer to the displays user manual or API).
  3. If no control, try using a terminal program such as PuTTy or Hercules to control the display directly from your PC. Please refer to Article KB01601 - Using Hercules to Confirm Whether a Display Can be Controlled via IP for more in depth explanation.
  4. If you are able to control the display from your PC, notate what commands and parameters worked and input them into the HDVS-300 and test.
  5. If you are unable to control the display from your PC contact the display manufacturer for the correct control strings and parameters to control the device.


Article ID: KB01673

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