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Where can I download firmware?

The most recent version of any firmware for Atlona products is available to be downloaded directly from the Atlona website (see instructions below). 

For previous/older versions of any Atlona product's firmware, please Contact Support.  We'd be happy to email you a link.

Be aware, almost all firmware must be un-zipped before it can be installed.  Also, once extracted, you will find installation instructions in PDF format inside.  Please read the instructions thoroughly before beginning the installation.  In some cases, a specific web browser may be necessary, or certain steps must be taken before the install.  Failure to follow instructions may cause the update to fail, or worse yet, you may permanently damage your device.

To download the latest firmware, simply go to Atlona.com, click the "Product SKU" drop-down menu (pictured below), and select your product.


If your product is not listed, please check the Atlona sitemap to find discontinued model numbers.

Once on your product's page, scroll down below the picture of your product, and click on the "Firmware" tab.  There you will find a link to your firmware.

If there is no Firmware tab on the Atlona product's page, or if your product is not listed on the sitemap, there is likely no firmware update available (yet) for your product.

If you need help, please Contact Support.


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