SKUs: AT-VGW-250
Summary: Zoom Room Shows Disconnected, SSH error—
In some cases, your Zoom Room computer will not start the process Velocity uses to connect. This article explains the Zoom Control System API process and how to ensure it is started, as well as some other common challenges relating to SSH connection errors.
After setting up your Zoom Room in Velocity, the room shows disconnected. Velocity may still be able to ping the IP associated with the Zoom Room. However, if you view the Velocity log for the Zoom Room, you see the following:
#### SSH Error ####
"dial tcp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:2244: connect: connection refused message: TCP Dial Error"
Enable SSH Control From
Open your portal and navigate to—
- "Room Management" > "Zoom Rooms" and click "Edit" on the room you are working on.
- Click "Control System API" on the sidebar.
- Turn on "Control System API"
- Turn on "Allow SSH Connections"
- Make sure a password is set and that this is the one you have used to set up the Zoom Room in Velocity.
Ensure the Zoom Control System API is Running
In Windows,
- Open Windows Task Manager by right-clicking on your task bar, select "Task Manager"
- In Task Manager, select the "Details" tab
- Look for ZAAPI.EXE
In MacOS,
- Open a Terminal window by pressing ⌘+<space> then type "terminal"
- enter "ps | grep ZAAPI"
- Your Mac should return a string similar to "/Applications/ . . . "
If ZAAPI is Not Running,
- Reinstall the Zoom Rooms App from the Zoom website.
- Make sure ZAAPI is not blocked by software firewalls or antivirus software.
Article ID: KB01621