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KB01592 - Set Up a Divisible room using Velocity.

SKU: AT-VGW-250, AT-VSG-2500, AT-VSG-5000


Velocity has the ability to switch between open and split rooms, providing an easy solution to create two rooms out of one when needed.

To create a split room, there must be at least two displays, a switching device, and at least two sources.

1. Once a room is set up with devices, open room control options using the button in the top right area of the screen. A new screen will slide open on the left side of the screen.

2. Scroll down to the Enable/Disable Features section and select the Split Rooms slider. New options will appear below.

3. Select the Is room currently split slider to activate the room as a split room.

4. Press the Apply Settings icon in the top right corner of Room Control Options to save.

5. Open the device edit screen of the display and provide the display with an alias of which side it belongs to. e.g. Display Right

6. Select the Section drop down and select whether the display is in all, left, or right section.

7. Press the Save button to activate the settings. 8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 for the second display.


For a complete step by step please watch the following video



Article ID KB01592

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