SKU's: AT-VGW-250
This article explains how to create a toggle macro in Velocity. This macro will toggle between 2 existing macros. On first press, send macro 1, on second press, send macro 2.
Step 1:
Create two macros, one for each macro that you will be toggling between.
Navigate to Room Control Options > Control Settings > Macros
For detailed information on creating a macro, see this article:
We will refer to these two macros you created as "Macro 1" and "Macro 2" in step 3.
Step 2:
Create a variable.
Navigate to Custom Pages > Tools > + > Give the variable a name and an initial value. We are using "PIP/Full Screen" with an initial value of 1 for this example.
Now navigate back to room technology
Step 3:
Create your toggle macro by navigating to Room Control Options > Control Settings > Macros
Add a new Macro as before in step#1. This will be your toggle macro.
Command 1, Device: Velocity, Command: IF ELSE LOGIC (TOGGLE).
This IF, THEN, ELSE logic will create a toggle macro.
IF the "PIP/Full Screen" variable is equal to 1 THEN run "Macro 1" and set the variable to 2,
ELSE: If "PIP/ Full Screen" does not equal 1, run "Macro 2" and set the variable back to 1.
Step 4:
Where do you want this button to show up?
Hide In:
Drawer: Check this to hide in the Macro Drawer, Uncheck to show in Macros Drawer. In this example, it is hidden. If it were unchecked, it would show up here.
Preset Page: Check this box to hide it in the preset page, Uncheck this box to show it in the preset page.
Note: if you are not using the macros drawer or the preset page in your program then these checkboxes will not make a difference to your touch panel interface.
Lastly, if you want this button to show at the top of your touchpanel all of the time like the below screenshot.
Note: Maximum of 4 macros at the top of the page.
Navigate to Room Control Options > User Interface
Scroll down to "Enable Macro Buttons" section.
Slide the toggle to the right.
Select your macro from the drop-down list.
Select a custom icon or add a custom image.
Add a custom label.
Once you are done with this step scroll to the top and click "Apply Settings"
You are now done and this button will toggle between Macro 1 and Macro 2 that we created in step 1.
Article ID: KB01579