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KB01574 - No Video using OMNI Pro-type Encoder and Decoder - Alarm: Unable to decode incoming stream on hdmi_output1 video

Subject: No Video using OMNI Pro-type Encoder and Decoder - Alarm: Unable to decode incoming stream on hdmi_output1 video

SKU: AT-OMNI-121, AT-OMNI-122, AT-OMNI-111, AT-OMNI-112

Challenge: No video on a single decoder from any encoder. Other decoders in the system get video from the encoders.

Step 1:

Check your alarms tab on the suspect decoder.


If you are getting this alarm, go to step 2.

Step 2:

Verify the system mode on working decoders by navigating to their web GUI and going to the HDMI output tab. Scroll down to the bottom and you will see system mode. This will be either PC Application or Video (Some versions may say Computer Graphics or Motion Video).3.jpg



Step 3:

Compare a working decoder's System mode with the suspect decoder's System mode.

If the suspect decoder's System mode is different, change it to match the working decoder's System mode.

The decoder will now reboot.

Article ID: KB01574


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