SKU: AT-UHD-PRO3-44M/66M/88M/1616M
For those rare cases in which your favorite browser does not finish the upgrade process properly, you may still get it done using RS232. Please follow the following steps.
- Download ExtraPuTTY from or the attached file (located at the end of this article).
- Extract the provided firmware zip file to a known folder
- Connect a RS232 cable from your laptop to the PRO3 main RS232 port.
- Open putty.exe. (part of the downloaded ExtraPuTTY application)
- Change the Connect type to Serial, set the proper serial number on the serial line and set the speed to 115200. Then select Open.
6. A new terminal window will open. Type fw_upgrade and press enter
7. Select option 1 to put the PRO3in firmware mode.
8. Next, select Files Transfer -> YModem -> Send.
9. A file open dialog box will appear. Choose each file in the order in which the PRO3 firmware update instructions specify.
10. PuTTy will begin transferring the file to the PRO3 unit. From here it could take up to 20 minutes to complete. You should see the progress of the update in the Putty terminal windows.