Summary: How to verify the RX Firmware of AT-HDR-EX-70C and AT-HDR-EX-100CEA HDR extenders—How to verify the RX Firmware of AT-HDR-EX-70C and AT-HDR-EX-100CEA HDR extenders.
Currently the Software Analyzer 1.0.04 only provides TX firmware version, and not of the RX, when a PC is connected over the USB FW port of the TX. Following are steps that can be taken to verify RX firmware:
- Power on the RX by connecting HDBaseT OUT of TX to HDBaseT IN of RX via category cable 5e or better.
- Immediately after step 1, press the hidden button located on RX right-side ventilation holes. You should see a small LED turn on (red), circled below in green.
RX right-side view: - Connect PC to USB FW port of RX.
- On PC, using a serial terminal program such as Hercules, connect to the new COM (115200/8N1) port, and issue the following commands:
- Type = Returns the SKU name
- VersionMCU = Returns the MCU firmware version
Article ID: KB01492