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KB01492 - How to verify the RX Firmware of AT-HDR-EX-70C and AT-HDR-EX-100CEA HDR extenders


Summary: How to verify the RX Firmware of AT-HDR-EX-70C and AT-HDR-EX-100CEA HDR extenders—How to verify the RX Firmware of AT-HDR-EX-70C and AT-HDR-EX-100CEA HDR extenders.



Currently the Software Analyzer 1.0.04 only provides TX firmware version, and not of the RX, when a PC is connected over the USB FW port of the TX. Following are steps that can be taken to verify RX firmware:


  1. Power on the RX by connecting HDBaseT OUT of TX to HDBaseT IN of RX via category cable 5e or better.

  2. Immediately after step 1, press the hidden button located on RX right-side ventilation holes. You should see a small LED turn on (red), circled below in green.

    RX right-side view:
  3. Connect PC to USB FW port of RX.

  4. On PC, using a serial terminal program such as Hercules, connect to the new COM (115200/8N1) port, and issue the following commands:
    • Type = Returns the SKU name
    • VersionMCU = Returns the MCU firmware version

Article ID: KB01492

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