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KB01445 - How to create an Event Macro and best practices


Subject: How to create an Event Macro and best practices


You can specify a series of commands to be triggered on certain room events. For this guide, we will be using the Room ON event as an example. The following guide assumes you have built your room and added the desired room technology already.

  1. Navigate to the room you would like to create the Event Macro for and select the room control options button:mceclip0.png
  2. Scroll down and select Event Macros: mceclip1.png
  3. Room On and Room Off are automatically created for you (if running 2.2.0 or higher firmware)
  4. Press the orange plus (+) icon to add a new event macro
  5. Choose the feature that will trigger the macro to start
    1. Audio - Unmute Audio- applies when pressing the unmute audio button
    2. Audio - Mute Audio- applies when pressing the mute audio button
    3. Audio - Volume Up- applies when pressing the volume up button
    4. Audio - Volume Down- applies when pressing the volume down button
    5. Calendar - Meeting Started - applies to calendar integration when a meeting starts
    6. Calendar - Meeting 5 Minutes Before - applies to calendar integration 5 minutes before meeting starts
    7. Calendar - Meeting Ended - applies to calendar integration when meeting ends
    8. Conferencing - Decline Call - applies when an incoming call is declined
    9. Conferencing - Incoming Call - applies when there is an incoming call
    10. Conferencing - Meeting Started - applies when a meeting starts
    11. Conferencing - Meeting Ended - applies when the meeting is finished
    12. Conferencing - Shared Content Started - applies when content starts being shared
    13. Conferencing - Share Content Ended - applies when content stops being shared
    14. Dialer - Mute Dialpad Mics - applies when pressing privacy mute
    15. Dialer - Unmute Dialpad Mics - applies when pressing privacy unmute
    16. Display - Merge Display - Applies when merging a set display
    17. Display - Split Display - Applies when splitting a set display
    18. Display - Video Mute - Applies when pressing the video mute button
    19. Display - Video Unmute - applies when pressing the video unmute button
    20. Scheduling - Time of Execution - applies at the specified time of day, day(s)of week, can set a "recurring until" date
    21. Scheduling Every Minute - applies at the top of every minute
    22. Scheduling - Every 15 minutes - applies at the top of every 15 minute interval
    23. Scheduling - Every Hour - applies at the top of each hour
    24. Scheduling - Every Day - applies at the beginning of every day
    25. Rooms - Room On- applies when you first launch control of a room
    26. Rooms - Room Off- applies when you select room off on the top corner of the touch panel
    27. Sources - Active AV Source - applies when a set AV source is active on a set display
    28. Sources - Apply AV Source - applies when a set AV source is applied (drag and drop) to a set display
    29. Sources Apply Video Source - applies when a set video source is applied to a set display (audio follow video must be disabled)
    30. Sources - Apply Audio Source - applies when a set audio source is applied (independent audio routing must be enabled)
    31. Split Room - Room Open - applies when a split room is opened
    32. Split Room - Room Closed - applies when a split room is closed
    33. Variables Updated - applies when a specific variable is updated and meets the set condition
    34. Apple Source- applies macro when a specific source is applied to a specific display
    35. Video Wall - Preset triggered - applies when a video wall preset is selectedmceclip2.png
  6. Create Macro to your room’s needs. Click the plus button to add a command. Click the three dots next to ms to either move a command up the sequence or remove it. Add a delay (in milliseconds, 1000ms = 1 second) after the command, if needed. Always save after any changes are made:mceclip3.png
  7. Now when pressing the ROOM ON button on your touch panel, you will trigger the series of commands programmed earlier:mceclip4.png

Article ID: KB01445

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