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KB01346 - Sending display control from an AT-HDVS-200-TX through the AT-UHD-EX-100-CE-RX-PSE


SKU: AT-HDVS-200-TX with the AT-UHD-EX-100CE-RX-PSE

Description: Sending display control from an AT-HDVS-200-TX through the AT-UHD-EX-100-CE-RX-PSE


  1. Verify that the commands you have are tested directly to the display and function
  2. Connect the AT-HDVS-200-TX to the AT-UHD-EX-100CE-RX-PSE with a CAT 5/6/7 cable
  3. Connect your control system’s RS-232 output to the AT-HDVS-200-TX RS-232 port


Control system pinout: *You can use this Pinout logic for connecting displays on the RX end as well

TX: Connect to RX pin of the AT-HDVS-200-TX

RX: Connect to TX pin of the AT-HDVS-200-TX

Ground: Connect to ground pin of the AT-HDVS-200-TX

  1. Connect the AT-UHD-EX-100CE-RX-PSE RS232 port to the RS-232 port of the display using the same logic as the control system setup above.


  1. Check that you have the correct baud rate, data bit, stop bit and parity for the display

Example: Baud Rate: 19200 - Data Bit 8Parity NoneStop Bit 1


  1. Send the commands using Ascii or HEX (Don’t mix Ascii and HEX as you may get mixed results)



CR= Carriage Return (typically a specific variable defined by the control system being used)

LF= Line Feed 

Display Command: PWON123<CR>

Zone command for AT-HDVS-200-TX: RS232zone[command<CR>]<C?R

Command in Ascii: RS232zone[PWON123<CR>]<CR>

Command in HEX: 52 53 32 33 32 7A 6F 6E 65 5B 50 57 4F 4E 31 32 33 0D 5D 0D

Note: Some displays require a line feed (LF) at the end of any command and you may have to add this.

Article ID: KB01346 

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