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Velocity Saves what information at which level

Levels Of Saves in Velocity


Top-level 1 - Database   *Always save databases on top of any other exports.

      • Saving this database allows you to download it to your computer, creating a direct copy of the Velocity programming.
      • Please note: This process does not save licenses or the VGW HW Network settings, as these remain with the Gateway and are not included in the database.

level-2 - Site

      • Saving this will include the necessary components, or the "Bones," for recreating the site.
      • This includes buildings, floors, and rooms.
      • However, please keep in mind that touch panels in the rooms will not retain any custom UI or IP settings. Additionally, room macros and variables will not be included.
      • However, room devices other than touch panels can retain their IP settings and connections made in the driver. Furthermore, the settings for the video wall driver will be saved.

Level-3 - Building

      • Saving this will include the "Bones" for recreating the Buildings. Buildings/Floors/Rooms will all be included.
      • Touchpanels in the rooms will not have IP or any custom UI that was built.
      • Room Macros And Variables will not be included.
      • Room devices besides TouchPanels can keep the IP and the connections made in the Driver.
      • Video wall driver settings are saved

Level-4 - Floor

      • Saving this will include the "Bones" for recreating a Floor. Floors/Rooms will all be included.
      • Touchpanels in the rooms will not have IP or any custom UI that was built.
      • Room Macros And Variables will not be included.
      • Room devices besides TouchPanels can keep the IP and the connections made in the Driver.
      • Video wall driver settings are saved

Level-5 - Room

      • Touchpanels in the rooms will not have IP, but the Custom UI will be there.
      • Room Macros And Variables WILL be included. but assignments of Navigations and Setting variables are not saved in Macros (room and button macros)
      • Room devices besides TouchPanels can keep the IP and the connections made in the Driver.
      • Video wall driver settings are saved

Level-6 - UI Exports

      • This will save Pages and buttons in the UI.
      • Will not save any Macros or Variables
      • Importing this will ADD the pages to the Custom ui and Will not overwrite existing pages.
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