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KB01130 - Using Atlona HDBaseT transmitter with a display that offers a direct HDBaseT input


Scenario: Atlona HDVS and HDVS-150 transmitters are not powering on when used with a HDBaseT input on a display/projector.


If you are using the AT-HDVS-TX or AT-HDVS-150-TX you may purchase a power supply for these devices to power them locally or if you have not yet purchased these items, please purchase the AT-HDVS-150-TX-PSK or AT-HDVS-200-TX-PSK

Otherwise, most displays that offer an HDBaseT input will not provide power to the transmitter as they do not support POE/POCC.  To resolve this, it is recommended to use the Atlona 48V Mid-Span Power Adapter AT-PS-POE (Please note not all PoE Injectors can be guaranteed to work with HDBaseT devices so it’s recommended to use ones specifically made for HDBaseT). For AT-HDVS Series Transmitters, please note that the power requirements are 24V PoCC which use the: AT-PS-POCC power injector. If using the AT-HDVS-150-TX/ or TX-WP please use the AT-PS-POE power injector.

For these configurations we recommend to flip the power switch to ON, on the “HDBaseT In” portion of the Mid-Span Power Adapter; power switch on the HDBaseT output of the mid-span adapter should be OFF to ensure no potential damage is done to the HDBaseT input of your display.Article

Article ID: KB01130 

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