Scenario: A computer is being used as a source - No audio passing through HDMI or analog audio of the AT-HDVS-RX but audio is coming out of computer speakers
Troubleshooting: Trying another source (Blu-ray, AppleTV and cable box) confirms that audio does pass from the AT-HDVS-TX/RX, the computer audio does not however.
Solution: Your computer’s sound settings may be set to playback audio through the internal speakers (set as default device), to resolve this please select the HDVS-RX playback device as your default communication device.
To enable HDMI audio:
Right-click on the speaker icon in the bottom right corner of your start menu (next to the clock):
Next, choose “Playback devices”:
This will show the SOUND settings. Access the “Playback tab”:
Next, right click on the AT-HDVS-RX and set the device as your default playback device:
Article ID: KB01127