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KB01308 - UHD-CLSO-601 RS232 zones explained


Description: RS-232 zones explained


Below is a picture of the CLSO-601's back panel:

  1. The RS232 zones start with phoenix ports 1-7.
  2. The HDBaseT output is also considered an RS232 zone and is #8
  • The RS-232 ports are bi-directional and you can control a display or a device in the rack.
  • You can send RS-232 commands with TCP/IP control as well.
  • “Master” is the port for an RS-232 controller to connect and control the console as well as send zone commands to ancillary devices.

Example command for controlling a display

Sends RS-232 strings through HDBT output 1 (Zone 8) to a compatible RX unit or directly to an HDBT input of a projector


In Ascii

RS232zone8[PWR ONCR]CR

In Hex

52 53 32 33 32 7A 6F 6E 65 38 5B 50 57 52 20 4F 4E 0D 5D 0D

Note: If you want to control a source or anything else in the rack you can specify any phoenix port in the zone commands using zones 1-7

Article ID: KB01308 



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