Subject: Setting a static IP address on AT-HD-SC-500
Scenario: You do not have the access to a DHCP router to set a static IP address on AT-HD-SC-500 and need to set a new static IP address.
Front Panel Method (available on firmware 1.3.10 or later)
- Press and hold the “Input” button for 15 seconds
- The IP address will be set to subnet: gateway:
- You can now use the WebGUI to set a new IP address under the “network” tab
RS232 Method
- Using a RS232 cable and terminal emulator such as HTerm connect to the matrix
- Port settings are: 115200 baud rate, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow-control
- Confirm your serial program will send commands with a carriage return (enable this setting)
- Send the “IPDHCP off” command (followed by the carriage return):
- With DHCP turned off, you are now able to set a static IP address of your choosing
- Send following command “IPStatic yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz” for X use your desired IP address, for Y use your networks subnet mask, for Z use your networks default gateway
- Example:
- After following these steps, you should now be able to access the switch using the new static IP address.
Article ID: KB01298