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KB01298 - Setting a static IP address on AT-HD-SC-500


Subject: Setting a static IP address on AT-HD-SC-500

Scenario: You do not have the access to a DHCP router to set a static IP address on AT-HD-SC-500 and need to set a new static IP address.


Front Panel Method (available on firmware 1.3.10 or later)

  1. Press and hold the “Input” button for 15 seconds
  2. The IP address will be set to subnet: gateway:
  3. You can now use the WebGUI to set a new IP address under the “network” tab

RS232 Method

  1. Using a RS232 cable and terminal emulator such as HTerm connect to the matrix
  2. Port settings are: 115200 baud rate, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow-control
  3. Confirm your serial program will send commands with a carriage return (enable this setting)
  4. Send the “IPDHCP off” command (followed by the carriage return):
  5. With DHCP turned off, you are now able to set a static IP address of your choosing
  6. Send following command “IPStatic xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz” for X use your desired IP address, for Y use your networks subnet mask, for Z use your networks default gateway
  7. Example:
  8. After following these steps, you should now be able to access the switch using the new static IP address.

 Article ID: KB01298


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