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KB01295 - Unable to pass component, composite or S- video through the VGA input of a CLSO-601


Subject: Unable to pass component, composite or S- video through the VGA input of a CLSO-601


  • You have confirmed that your component source is able to output video
  • You have checked your component to VGA cable and confirmed its ability to pass video to a display (display must support Component video via VGA input)
  • You have confirmed the analog source is putting out a YUV colorspace (YCbCr and YPbPr)

Steps for enabling component video support on 601 via web-GUI:

The default settings for a AT-UHD-CLSO-601 allow the VGA port to support video from: VGA, Component, Composite and S-Video using a VGA breakout cable. If you find that a format (such as component) is not enabled in the poll settings of the web-GUI, you will be unable to pass that format.

To check the poll settings, please access the 601’s web interface (web GUI). This can be done using the steps found in this article.

After accessing the web-GUI, go to the “Settings” tab and look at the “Poll Settings”:

After accessing the unit’s settings, scroll down to locate the “Poll Settings”:

To have the VGA port accept video from a format, the format must show a check next to the name of the format.

Steps for enabling component video support on 601  via RS232(Serial)/IP:

After establishing an RS232 connection with the 601, poll settings can also be enabled via the following RS232 commands:

PollAddInX [Y] where X is where you select the VGA port (VGA 1 or VGA 2) and Y is the analog format you want to add. For example, if I wanted to add S-Video for VGA 1 (labeled as input 5 on the 601) it would be “PollAddIn1 SV” followed by a carriage return.

If I wanted to add component to VGA 2 (labeled as input 6 on the 601) the command would be “PollAddIn2 COMP”

The formats commands are case sensitive and written as:


Component = COMP

Composite = CV

S-Video =  SV

You can also delete poll commands using the RS232 command of:

PollDelInX [Y] where X is the VGA port you want to delete a format from being supported and Y is the format you want to delete. For example, if I want to disable VGA video from being passed through the VGA 2 port, I would send the command as: “PolDelIn2 VGA” followed by a carriage return.

Article ID: KB01295 





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