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KB01292 - How to find the IP address of your computer (to aid in establishing an IP connection with an Atlona device)

SKU: Any Atlona device with IP control functionality

Subject: How to find the IP address of your computer (to aid in establishing an IP connection with an Atlona device)


To establish an IP connection between a computer and an Atlona device, both the computer and the Atlona device have to be on the same network. You can create your own basic network by connecting a LAN cable from the computers network interface card (NIC) to the LAN port on the Atlona unit. 

You will need to know what IP address your computer is currently set to and then statically set the Atlona to be in the same IP range as the PC is in. Alternatively, you can change the IP address of your computer to match the range the Atlona is in. 

To find the IP information of your PC, you can use Command Prompt (aka "CMD") which is built into windows. For help on how to open command prompt, see this article

After opening command prompt, send the command "IPCONFIG" and this will report back with your computers IP information. Locate the "Ethernet" or "LAN" adapter settings to find the computers LAN/Ethernet IP address. Please note, you may also find a Wi-Fi IP address but that cannot be used to create a LAN connection with the Atlona units. 

Below is an example of the "ipconfig" command being sent on a Windows machine and the information that is reported back by the PC. 

Article ID: KB01292


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