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KB01097 - AT-PRO2 Compatible Receivers


The AT-PRO2HD matrix is an HDBaseT system but it does not have the ability to provide power over Ethernet to its HDBaseT receivers such as Atlona's newer matrix systems (i.e. AT-UHD-PRO3). The original receivers that came with this model had local power supplies. Below is a list of both the receivers that are directly compatible with the matrix and those that can be made to work through additional steps.

Directly compatible:



AT-UHD-EX-100CE-RX-PSE - Discontinued - The replacement AT-OME-RX11 is not compatible with PRO2HD

Compatible only if used with AT-PS-POE:

AT-UHD-EX-70C-RX (note, this model will only allow for up to 70m of transmission distance)


AT-UHD-EX-70-2PS-RX (sold as a kit with AT-UHD-EX-70-2PS – Discontinued - This model does not require AT-PS-POE as it comes with its own power supply - this model will only allow for up to 70m of transmission distance)


*Note: We are no longer testing the compatibility of newly released extender kits and RX's with the PRO2HD matrix.


Article ID: KB01097





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