Subject: Can the UHD-PRO3 matrix pass ethernet from the LAN port through to all HDBaseT zones?
The AT-UHD-Pro3 matrix series is designed to pass audio, video, and control to all HDBT zones. The matrix does not support the ability to route ethernet to the corresponding extender out of the HDBT ports. We recommend running your ethernet directly to displays for updates and other IP related events.
If you need to pass ethernet to two (or four if using the AT-UHD-PRO3-1616M) HDMI zones, you could simply use the AT-UHD-EX-100CE-KIT on the HDMI outputs and feed a LAN cable through the transmitter which will pass LAN to the 100CE-RX receiver unit. This will effectively embed ethernet into that HDBT stream.
Article ID: KB01262