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KB01181 - How to access the WebGUI on the HDVS-200 series


Subject: How to access the WebGUI on the HDVS-200 series


  • The AT-HDVS-200-TX/WP and RX come with DHCP enabled by default. This means you can connect it to any DHCP enabled router to have an IP address issued to it.
  • You can then find this IP address by either accessing the router (if it has a web-gui of its own) to see what devices are attached to it (and then use the MAC address of the HDVS-200 unit to locate its unique IP address),
  • You can also perform a network scan of the network the units are on and match the MAC address of the HDVS-200 unit to find the IP info. There are free applications for both Android and iPhone that allow you to scan a network via Wi-Fi (requires Wi-Fi access)
  • You can also connect the HDVS-200-TX/WP to an HDVS-200-RX and check the information page of the 200-RX’s on-screen display to get the IP address of the 200-TX/WP and the HDVS-200-RX.
  • Lastly, you can also send a command to the HDVS-200-TX/WP to obtain the IP information. For information on how to set the HDVS-200-TX/WP to a static IP address, please see this article

*Please note* do not connect the LAN cable to both the TX and RX units at the same time. This can cause network issues. You only need to connect LAN to one side and the other side will get IP info through HDBaseT.

If you can only get an IP address assigned to either the RX or TX, please see this article for further troubleshooting:

Article ID: KB01181


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