The AT-UHD-CLSO-824 acts as a RS232 (serial) hub by allowing you to connect one input to the “Master RS232” port and then route commands to any of the 15 output zones on this unit. The first 10 zones correspond to their respective RS232 outputs. This is designed for control of local sources.
The other 5 RS232 outputs are found on the HDBaseT inputs and outputs. RS232 zones 11-13 are tied to HDBaseT inputs 1-3 while RS232 zones 14-15 are tied to the HDBaseT outputs.
Please note the CLSO-824 and all other Atlona products require the use of a carriage return when terminating commands. Please see this article for information on carriage returns and specific control systems.
Some zone specific string commands examples:
RS232zone15[ “tv’s serial command goes here”] <cr> = This will send RS232 to the #2 HDBaseT output port of the CLSO-824 :
RS232zone6[“source’s serial command goes here”] <cr> = This will send RS232 to the #6 RS232 output of the CLSO-824:
RS232zone9[ “sources serial command goes here”] <cr> = This will send RS232 to the #9 RS232 output of the CLSO-824:
Article ID: KB01011